I dream of a world with happy customers that share their excitement with all of their friends and family.
Steven Van Belleghem
About Steven
Steven believes in a bright future where companies play the long-term game with their customers.
His passion is spreading ideas about the future of customer experience. Steven believes in the combination of common sense, new technologies, an empathic human touch, playing the long-term game and taking your social responsibility to win the hearts and business of customers over and over again.
A Diamond in the rough
There is a big paradox in the world of customer experience right now: every company has wonderful intentions to make their customers happy but in reality the quality of execution is often average to low. In many cases, the best intentions don’t progress beyond the PowerPoint presentation. Over the past twelve years, Steven has spoken extensively with thousands of CX professionals and his conclusion is that most companies are a ‘diamond in the rough’ in terms of customer experience: they want it so badly but they don’t succeed.
Let’s create the customer experience that we all love to feel when we ourselves are the customer.