Four Cool Customer Experience cases that you probably didn’t know yet (episode 9)
One week into training, Zappos offers new hires their pay, plus a few thousand dollars to walk away if they don’t think they want to be part of the team. The idea is to weed out people who don’t buy into the esprit de corps Hsieh had created. Those who stay — and it’s about 97% of the trainees — adopt the corporate culture of customer service.
Software company Workday boasts an amazing 98% customer satisfaction score for listening to customer feedback and adjusting its products to best meet customers’ needs.
Ctrip is a large travel company with one of the biggest customer service centers in the world and yet 80% of all their responses are resolved with a chatbot today. The surprising thing is that, since the introduction of the chatbot, they did not downsize their customer service team: there are till multiple thousands of them manning the desks, but they use the chatbots to respond faster and, whenever needed, they take over for a more personalized answer. It’s a beautiful case of digital making a company more human.
Blogger Ian Hall wrote that he had been passively watching (or more listening than anything) to Eco-Trip with his daughter while we fixed dinner. All of a sudden the sound gets all garbled. He thought nothing of it until the next morning when he received an email from Netflix, telling him that they would give a 3% credit on his next bill because of the technical problems of last night. Now THAT is customer service. Netflix knew he might be upset (or at least have noticed) the interruption and so, proactively, they allowed him to request a credit for a small amount of my bill. Now while 3% of his bill isn’t really going to add up, it it made hime “FEEL 100x better” (his words). This is customer service done right: if something goes wrong, don’t wait for the customer to call to fix it. Fix it before that and make him/her feel good in doing so.