62% of Fortune 500 companies have active corporate Twitter accounts [Infographic]

Home 62% of Fortune 500 companies have active corporate Twitter accounts [Infographic]

Social media can and maybe should be seen as the greatest platforms to use to bring consumers into the boardroom on your road to becoming a conversation company (see: “Social Media as a perfect partner for the Conversation Company”). Search results are these days highly influenced by social media content, blogs still rank high in search engines because of their dynamic content. The question that the Center for Marketing Research at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth asked was: How are all these developments affecting the marketing strategies of Fortune 500 companies? The infographic we share below, made by GoGolf, covers the latest social media presence data of Fortune 500 companies (2011 list, 2012 coming up).

Key points

  • 23% already have a corporate blog.
  • 58% have an active corporate Facebook account.
  • 62% have an active corporate Twitter account and have tweeted from in the past 30 days.
  • The biggest number of blogs is in specialist retail industry.
  • The insurance industry gets the highest number of Facebook pages.


Fortune 500 Social Media Statistics
Infographic by- GO-Gulf.com Web Design Company.