A little bit of love from Sweex
Sweex might be a brand you know. They make computer stuff, like routers, powerline adapters, modems and so on. It’s not exactly an “engaging” A-brand in my humble opinion. The products are ok, and they probably just…. work. In his little Sweex package my colleague at InSites Consulting Ramon Pardo‘s found next to his router, some love from the CEO of Sweex, called Leon. He was not the only one out there who’s noticed the fortune-cookie-like wish that Leon is giving him. When Ramon unboxed his router, he found a nice letter. We also made a picture of it, you can find it below:
So, Leon had found an empty feeling in himself while he was sleeping and he tries to get rid of that nasty feeling by sending out a letter in all his million boxes with a nice wishing-you-a-life-full-of-happiness message. The letter is probably meant as a conversation starter, and it probably works because people tweet about it and hey, you’re reading this right now. Mission accomplished, a little bit of love from Sweex…. Is it, now?
Are they famous for their customer- intimacy approach, at Sweex? They are on Twitter, helping people, that’s nice. Is all this in line with the Sweex branding? Buy Sweex, get love (the tagline is: “Sweex, forward living”)? You tell me. Personally, I don’t really have an idea what the brand is about, where it stands for or what the possible usp’s of the brand should be. I do like the idea and the wish Leon’s given to Ramon. I hope he dreams more often about nice things, now.