CC Chapman: “Content is a long term play”
CC Chapman is the author of “Content Rules”, he’s a real content marketing adept and he was in The Netherlands in December 2011. Together with CooPR‘s Jody Koehler, I was lucky to meet CC in Rotterdam, some hours before he joined a network of pr- and marcom-profesionals in De Unie for “An Evening With CC Chapman”. A talk about strategy, about the quality of video-content, about context and content, the cross-referencing of your touchpoints and personal brands in content.
Full interview
Content Marketing in 6 steps
A lot of the topics and struggles that are adressed in the interview above, I’m experiencing in my day-to-day practice as a conversation manager at InSites Consulting. To get you started with content marketing, we’ve this week released our vision on this topic, in a slidedeck on SlideShare that you can download below:
[slideshare id=11438613&doc=asixstepcontentmarketingmodel-120206005134-phpapp01]
A big thank you to our interviewer Jody Koehler, sharp as a knife :).