Half way in 2011 already!
Today is July 1st. I find it hard to believe we are half way in 2011 already. The cliché is true: time does go fast, especially when you are having fun. With the Summer Holliday period on its way, its now a good time to check your annual goals to see if they (and you) are on track. And if not, come up with some corrective actions. Before you know it, September has arrived and the final trimester starts. If you by then you discover are off-key, it leaves you not much time to end 2011 the way you intended.
A mid year review of both your business and your personal goals allows you to check if things are balancing out correctly. Only you can decide what the right equilibrium is for yourself. But it is vital that you find it (again). You don’t have to wait until New Years Day to come up with new resolutions. Each day you can start anew. What is needed now to make things happen? Remember: where you focus your energy and attention on will grow. That’s how the magic works! (And since almost everybody read the Secret, that is no secret anymore 😉
In the rush of day to day business – meeting deadlines, e-mail overload, planning your Holliday – it requires some deliberate planning to take a step back and see your master plan. I encourage you to emphasize what is working great and try to fix what is not. This is a continuous thing, for which you sometimes need a gentle reminder. A reminder I wanted to give you all today. Have a brilliant summer!