How conversations make or break your next product launch
Yesterday, I presented in the product management course @Vlerick. I talked about the role of conversations during a product launch. It’s my belief that word-of-mouth, positive conversations during the pre & post launch phase boosts trial.
Up to now, most product launches are creating unused potential for their new product:
– Keeping it too long confidential: pre-marketing really works well to boost conversations.
– Don’t follow up on feedback: maybe your product isn’t perfect and you could launch a better, upgraded version short after the first launch taking into account the feedback of first users.
– Focus on a bunch of product features and not thinking about what the conversation should be about.
And there is more, check the entire powerpoint:
[slideshare id=8093303&doc=deconversationmanagerproductlaunches-110525040442-phpapp02]