Let’s go for ‘Certainty to See’ (CTS) & drop ‘Opportunity to See’ (OTS)
Why not go for a new approach in targeting, called ‘Certainty to See’ (CTS). Where you target a small group of brand fans of which you are certain they’ll see you and interact with you. Smaller target groups that help you reach out to the mass. Read the example I wrote last week about the Marmarati and you’ll know what I mean. Read the example of Harry Potter in my book (7 people reach out to 350,000,000 in two weeks) and you’ll know. Look at the Heineken video with their great activation campaign in Italy and you’ll know what I mean. When we look at those cases, many advertisers are jealous. But the truth is: we are so scared of small numbers that we feel more secure for paying for the illusion of reach, called ‘Opportunity to see’.