Our Conversation Management Top Stories 2011
The years go by so fast, let’s hope the next, beats the last. An even more positive end-of-year wish by Smith&Burrows when comparing with A Long December by Counting Crows (”It’s been a Long December and there’s reason to believe, maybe this year will be better than the last”). 2011 was a year to remember; and we’re at the break of New Year, counting down the hours to 2012. Trend reports and predictions for 2012 in many different industries have already probably reached you; in this blogpost, we look back at the best viewed posts at TheConversationManager.com, according to our WordPress stats. Warning: there’s a lot of social media stuff in it…. 😉
- January
New Trend: The Chief Customer Officer (Steven Van Belleghem)
- February
This is how Porsche says thank you for one million likes on Facebook (Dado Van Peteghem)
- March
Why I think the entire privacy discussion is pointless! (Steven Van Belleghem)
- April
How Cisco successfully integrates social media into their organisation (Dado Van Peteghem)
- May
How to drive brand conversations with Gen Y? (Joeri Van den Bergh)
- June
Twitter more engaging than Facebook (Matthijs van den Broek)
- July
Social Media Tools & Listening Centers 2011 (Erik van Roekel)
- August
The end of the Conversation Manager? (Steven Van Belleghem)
- September
Discussion: Is Return on Influence the new ROI? (Matthijs van den Broek)
- Oktober
The Big iPad Study by Sanoma (Lisa Derycke)
- November
Word-of-Mouth Marketing Summit 2011: Day 1 (Steven Van Belleghem)
- December
“Liking†on Facebook becomes less popular, study says (Lisa Derycke)
Big thank you
We would like to thank all our authors and bloggers, without them, this would be a quiet place in the blogosphere. And, even more important, we also would like to thank our readers and commenters. We promise to keep you up to date about fresh developments in converation management in 2012 (with the upcoming new book by Steven there’s no doubt there will be lots of new content to be found here at this blog). Now, have a happy New Year, be careful with fireworks, see you in 2012.