Tablets change our gaming habits
According to a recent study by GfK, tablet apps affect people’s behaviour on gaming. It appears that handheld video games became less popular since tablets are on the market. Almost 60% of tablet users claim they play less traditional video games and rather choose playing a game on their tablet. It’s quite remarkable that gaming is the only activity that has so much effect on our behaviour than any other daily activity, such as watching less tv (25%) or using their cell phone less often (23%). What struck me the most is how our social life is affected by owning a tablet. For example, almost one in 10, tend to go out less.
It is therefore obvious that the most used apps are gaming apps: about 70% have used this kind of app in the last 30 days. A significant contrast when pointing out the usage of social network apps: ‘only’ 59%, followed by weather (58%) and music apps (53%).
Although people download tons of apps, this does not necessarily mean they are going to use them all, on the contrary, the more apps we download, the less likely we will use them. Only 37% of the owners of 10 or more apps use them all, while as from 20 apps or more, merely 16% make actively use of them.
About me
I’m a marketing/sales intern at Insites Consulting until January 20th. I’ll be posting a blogpost from time to time while working together with my blogpost hero, Matthijs van den Broek. Besides blogging, my interests are music (I’m a dj and producer) and -of course- marketing related stuff. They treat me well here. 🙂
VIA: MarketingCharts.