The Big iPad Study by Sanoma

Home The Big iPad Study by Sanoma

SanomaMedia did an extensive research among more than 3.500 iPad owners on the usage of their favourite tablet. First, we need to get a more distinctive view on those iPad users. It comes as no surprise that mainly men own an iPad, over 80%, that is. Although Belgium is the only country where women take the lead in owning one. The average user is between 35 and 45 years old, still, older people are starting to gain interest as well.

Almost 70% of the respondents share their iPad with other people, mostly a partner or children. That is why some households decide to get a second iPad, about 20% of the respondents.

At home

The tablet is mostly used at home, especially the toilet is a popular place: 33% of the respondents make use of their iPad during their toilet break. Also, people tend to use it at night, in the living room, or in the morning, as part of their morning ritual. Generally speaking, when having a moment for themselves.

iPad or computer?

An iPad break is in general rather short: between 30 minutes and 2 hours. Nevertheless, people switch them on, multiple times a day. As from their initial purchase, almost 70% say their iPad use has increased, probably because they use it more often than their laptop or desktop computer: 60% primarily use the iPad instead of a computer. Although this does not apply on the computer at work: over 60% choose a laptop or desktop computer over an iPad. When assuming that a mobile phone, an active pc and iPad are near and you’re at home, the preferred device to access Internet, is not surprisingly the iPad.


The average number of downloaded apps lies between 21 and 50, a huge difference when comparing this to mobile phone apps. It is quite peculiar that people don’t like to pay for these apps, about 30% pays for maximum 5 apps, only 13% of the respondents pays for almost all of their downloaded apps.

The most popular features are browsing or searching the web, checking e-mails and reading books, magazines or news-related articles. Social network apps are often used as well.

Many thanks to Danny Oosterveer