The business impact of social media [Infographic]
“Social media is no longer a stop-and-go investment, but rather a long term strategic channel that, when integrated with other marketing efforts, allows brands to connect with users over time.” Yes, that’s true, the people at WildFire are getting the idea, we adhere to this heavily from a conversation management perspective.Results from a recent survey the people at Wildfire (via: MC) conducted among 700 marketers finds “social media efforts valuable in their ability to grow brand awareness and increase dialogue with customers. In addition to spending more time thinking about how to engage audiences, marketers will soon begin to measure social media’s impact on the business through a more traditional ROI definition: attributable sales and costs.”
The survey found that Facebook ranked as the top social media marketing channel (94%) among social media marketers , followed by Twitter (74%), blogs (41%), LinkedIn (32%), and YouTube (30%).97% of the respondents believe social media marketing benefits their business, and three-quarters intend to increase their spending this year.