The State of the Internet 2011 [Infographic]
“Like any classic hero, the Internet grew from humble beginnings as a tiny speck to become the legend that it is today. The very first “instant message†wasn’t even a whole word before it broke the entire system, but it sparked a fantastic fire of possibilities. Now, we can IM friends from our phones while we browse Facebook and send a few tweets about our indigestion from last night’s cheesesteak, perhaps while taking care of that indigestion. We can email our friends in Paris and Tokyo from the MoMA and even send photos to Mom and Dad, too. Thirty-something years ago, this was stuff for sci-fi nerds.” At, they’ve made an interactive infographic about the State of the Internet 2011.
Created by: Online Schools
In the infographic, you’ll find a lot of information about the internet as it’s been developing towards 2011. The rise of social networks, the amount of users on different platforms (the decline and fall of MySpace is well visualized) but there’s also information about the quality of the network, mobile users, Justin Bieber, “internet enemies” and backbones (important network and datacenters, underwater cables). It’s wow-stuff, in our humble opinion.