The strategic implementation of CM: Conversation Mapping
Dennis Claus (director brands&conversations at InSites Consulting) put together a nice presentation about conversation mapping you can find here on SlideShare. The presentation will answer ‘the ultimate question’: What is the strategic role of online & offline conversations for my brand and how can I manage them better? The Conversation Manager has a fresh perspective on how brands operate successfully in cooperation with today’s consumer.
Conversating with consumers is key. Listening to and conversing with consumers is a necessary talent to retrain as a Conversation Manager.
[slideshare id=8387452&doc=insitesconsultingconversationmapping-110622051811-phpapp01]
The first step towards becoming a Conversation Manager is observing – listening to what is being said online and offline about your brand and your competitors. Conversation Mapping uses a validated online survey to investigate who is talking about what through which channels (online & offline), how often, for what reasons & with what impact? These insights allow marketers to set a first step towards the strategic implementation of conversation management within their company or organization.
The Conversation Mapping survey includes a number of key questions on the online behaviour of your target group: which social networks are they using? Do they express their brand fanship through social media? Everything you need to know to know how to reach out to your target group through Twitter, Facebook and other online channels.