Welcome to our new site!
2010 has been a great year, and we want to continue building upon that spirit in 2011. We are very eager to take conversation management forward together with you.
What’s new?
We’ve set up a specialist team to bring you daily inspiration in the field of conversation management and beyond. It’s our ambition to become a true connection point for fresh insights, industry cases, book reviews, congress reports, interviews and everything in between ๐
But above all, we would love to hear what you expect from us, so that we can optimally cater to your needs: What does the conversation manager mean for you, and how can we be of true value? What content would you like to see, which burning questions do you have,…?
We strongly believe that we can make it happen together, and you can help us as well. We’re still looking for motivated guestbloggers in the team. It would be an honor if you would join us, just send us an email at dado [at] insites dot eu.
Thanks so much for being with us. If you have any further feedback or tips, please let us know!
Now let’s start fueling the conversation together ๐
Talk soon,
Dado Van Peteghem – @dadovanpeteghem
Chief editor of The Conversation Manager blog